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24 Nov

Long And Winding

My career path has been long and winding. For those that know me would have witnessed my humble beginnings. From my nomadic teenage years (another story) to the joy of being housed in my early twenties.   After a brief spell of unemployment I found my calling, Fitness. In order to fulfil it I needed […]


22 Nov


Motivation Are you in a motivation lull when it comes to exercise at the moment? If so, it might be time to shift your mindset. Delving into what motivates you is a really key part of your exercise and wellness journey. Knowing if you’re driven by intrinsic or extrinsic factors can help overcome barriers to […]


16 Nov


What is serotonin? It’s pretty darn important actually.   Serotonin is the feel-good hormone that balances our mood, feelings, and state of well-being. Underestimate it at your peril, as Serotonin impacts your entire body.   It helps: Reduce depression and anxiety Heal wounds Maintain bone health Is responsible for our sleeping, eating, and digestion.   As […]


14 Nov


Daylight Did you know that the clocks changing can actually have a big effect on our wellbeing? Daylight is really important for our health. It’s a well-known fact that when sunlight hits our skin it creates a chemical reaction that produces vitamin D3. Whilst we can get vitamin D through our diet, sunlight is still […]


12 Oct

Belly Fat

Having some fat in your belly is normal. After all fat is there to protect and insulate your body. Nevertheless, having too much belly fat maybe harmful to your health and increase your risk of developing certain chronic diseases. There are two main types of belly fat — Subcutaneous belly fat one (found under your skin) and visceral belly […]


13 Jul

About Henry

      I love learning. I love to teach and I love fitness. It is probably quicker to tell you what I don’t have qualifications and experience in! Current areas of interest and experience include: Nutrition & Weight Loss Management Anatomy & Physiology Total Body Conditioning Pilates & Rehabilitation Senior Health & Fitness Kids Fitness […]


21 May

Joint Stiffness / Muscle Weakness

As we age joints generally become stiffer and prone to inflammation. Oestrogen is known for managing inflammation levels throughout the body. The age range for menopause is 45 – 55 years, so you don’t have to think too hard as to why many women put their aches and pains down to ageing. There are a […]


23 Apr

Menopause Symptoms

Menopause is a completely normal event that every woman goes though. Fluctuating hormones can have varying effects on your body and the way you feel.  Peri-menopause is the term given for the duration leading up to the point where your periods stop altogether. When periods have stopped for 12 months consecutively, you are considered ‘post menopausal’. […]


10 Apr


Have you thought what hormone is responsible for the way you feel mentally? Serotonin is the feel good hormone that balances our mood, feelings and state of well-being. This hormone should not be underestimated as it impacts your entire body. Serotonin also helps, reduce depression and anxiety, heal wounds, stimulate nausea, maintain bone health and […]


5 Mar

Magnificent Magnesium

Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals in the body. It is essential for normal skeletal growth and is involved in a wide range of biochemical reactions. The benefits of magnesium has found to have effects on the nervous system, reducing symptoms of muscle spasms and twitches. The relaxation effects it has on muscles […]