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27 Jan

How many units do you drink ?

Most heavy drinkers will try a dry January to detox after the festivities, but this can be short lived come February, as most will make up for lost time. If we can learn to moderate our alcohol intake then perhaps we won’t need to have a dry month to ease the conscience.  The RDA of […]


26 Jan

What is your BMI?

Body Mass Index, or BMI, is a measure of body size. It combines a person’s weight with their height. The results of a BMI measurement can give an idea about whether a person has the correct weight for their height. BMI does not measure body fat directly, and it does not account for age, sex […]


21 Jan

Improve My Wellbeing

Improve my Wellbeing Every area of wellbeing has been affected due to the Covid-19 pandemic. From mental health, physical health, financial health and much more. If truth be told, the healthier we are as a whole the better our chances of surviving and overcoming illness in general not just the virus. All of this emphasises […]


19 Jan

15 top food for high blood pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension, is the most common preventable risk factor for heart disease. Over 1 billion people around the world have high blood pressure, which is defined as systolic blood pressure (SBP) diastolic blood pressure (DBP). The norms are around 120/80 SBP/DBP respectively. There are medications on hand to reduce BP however, healthy […]


12 Jan

Stick to your resolutions

How can you stick to your New Years resolution? According to studies most resolutions fail within 1 – 6 weeks with around only 16% of people sticking to them after 6 months (economictimes). The most popular resolutions are to exercise more (get fitter) or lose weight. So why is it that people tend to fail? […]


14 Dec

Managing Headaches

As restrictions take hold once again, working from home can take its toll. The demands of work are the same but as we move closer to Christmas and with the kids off school the distractions and pressure can start to build. Do you suffer from stress induced headaches or migraines? It’s easy to dismiss the […]


22 Nov

Good Verses Bad

Good verses Bad Did you know we as people are only about 10% human? Well, bacteria in your intestine, known as gut flora, outnumber our human cells 10 to 1. We have around 40 trillion of them! Research shows that these bacteria (some good some bad) can have profound implications on our health, affecting everything from […]


16 Nov


What is serotonin? It’s pretty darn important actually.   Serotonin is the feel-good hormone that balances our mood, feelings, and state of well-being. Underestimate it at your peril, as Serotonin impacts your entire body.   It helps: Reduce depression and anxiety Heal wounds Maintain bone health Is responsible for our sleeping, eating, and digestion.   As […]


14 Nov


Daylight Did you know that the clocks changing can actually have a big effect on our wellbeing? Daylight is really important for our health. It’s a well-known fact that when sunlight hits our skin it creates a chemical reaction that produces vitamin D3. Whilst we can get vitamin D through our diet, sunlight is still […]


10 Nov

Bento Boxes

Bento Boxes Japanese bento boxes seem to be all the rage at the minute with boxes full of delicious-looking combinations. And they’re not just for kids! Did you know that the word ‘bento’ originated from a Southern Song slang term and means “convenient” or “convenience”? Well, convenience is something we can all definitely appreciate (in […]