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8 Nov

Plant Foods & B12

With COP26 underway this week, world leaders try to find an understanding on environmental issues. Plant-based products have become increasingly popular from an environmental perspective. Meat requires more resources to produce and leads to more greenhouse gas emissions and deforestations in comparison, producing fruits, vegetables and other minimally processed plant foods. Governments now realise the […]


26 Oct

Get your oats this winter!

The clocks go back this weekend which spells cold dark mornings, as winter approaches. Winter for me means porridge season and the humble oat is so powerful when it comes to setting yourself up for a healthy day ahead. They’re so easy to pick up in all supermarkets and as a healthy carb, they are […]


12 Oct

Belly Fat

Having some fat in your belly is normal. After all fat is there to protect and insulate your body. Nevertheless, having too much belly fat maybe harmful to your health and increase your risk of developing certain chronic diseases. There are two main types of belly fat — Subcutaneous belly fat one (found under your skin) and visceral belly […]


27 Jul

Elisa Barker

Elisa is an experienced practicing registered nutritional therapist obtaining her BSc in Nutritional Therapy from the University of West London. Her journey in studying and practicing Nutritional Therapy has enabled Elisa to experience the value and power that lifestyle and dietary modifications can have.   Nutritional Therapy Nutritional Therapy is a scientific and evidence based approach […]


13 Jul

About Henry

      I love learning. I love to teach and I love fitness. It is probably quicker to tell you what I don’t have qualifications and experience in! Current areas of interest and experience include: Nutrition & Weight Loss Management Anatomy & Physiology Total Body Conditioning Pilates & Rehabilitation Senior Health & Fitness Kids Fitness […]


16 Jun

Specialised ‘Revive’ Day

It’s official, specialised ‘Revive’ day focussing on practical and nutritional remedies for menopausal symptoms. Saturday the 25th of September &  Saturday the 16th of October at Ashdown park Hotel, East Sussex. Join us for holistic exercises and activities and relax within beautiful surroundings. Begin the autumn in a positive manor and start your journey to renewed health […]


9 Jun

Quick & Easy Recipes

We all lead busy lives and as working professionals healthy meal prep is not always easy. Planning meals can be time consuming and after a busy day at work it’s far easier to pop into the local supermarket for one of your favourite ready meals or better still, just pick up a take away.  Time will […]


28 May

Mood Swings

Mood swings are one of the most common symptoms experienced during the menopause.  Mood swings affect every woman differently and can be frustrating, particularly when they seem out of control and out of character. Fluctuating hormone levels can impact neurotransmitters in the brain. These neurotransmitters, like GABA and Serotonin, regulate feelings of calm and the pain-pleasure […]


21 May

Joint Stiffness / Muscle Weakness

As we age joints generally become stiffer and prone to inflammation. Oestrogen is known for managing inflammation levels throughout the body. The age range for menopause is 45 – 55 years, so you don’t have to think too hard as to why many women put their aches and pains down to ageing. There are a […]


23 Apr

Menopause Symptoms

Menopause is a completely normal event that every woman goes though. Fluctuating hormones can have varying effects on your body and the way you feel.  Peri-menopause is the term given for the duration leading up to the point where your periods stop altogether. When periods have stopped for 12 months consecutively, you are considered ‘post menopausal’. […]