Moving forward let me continue my story: For those that know me would have witnessed my humble beginnings. My nomadic teenage years (another story) to the joy of being housed in my early twenties.
Like my life up to that point, my career path has also been a turbulent one.
After a brief spell of unemployment I found my calling, Fitness. In order to fulfil my ambition I needed funds. I started working part time at Pizza Hut, as a stepping-stone to fund my fitness courses. I manage to pass the advanced fitness instructor award (the first of many), in London. My efforts were rewarded when I started working at a local sports centre as a gym instructor, a job I really enjoyed and could relate to. 12 months later and still ambitious, I put together a business plan and applied for a business loan from the Princes Youth Business Trust. After a lengthy meeting to a panel of trustees I was successful. This was the birth of Physique Personal Training now ‘Physique Fitness Training’. I was probably one of the first private PT’s in my area back in the day, and I had a vision.
My previous post explained how my sporting achievements kept me focused; After winning and becoming European champions in Germany and having the opportunity to play alongside the inline hockey’s sporting elite in Chicago, I now had a new focus. Running my own business.
“ To lose hope is to lose the passion to triumph “ Henry Adekoya
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